You are a wheel, looking to re-assemble the lost parts of your car family - but unfortunately none of them will go along with you so you have to resort to violence.

W/Up Arrow: Jump
(A/D) (Left Arrow/Right Arrow): (Move Left/Move Right)
(S/Down Arrow): Crouch (while on ground), Stomp (while in air)
Crouch then jump to make a taller jump
Crouch and hold a direction key to spin charge, building up Buildup Speed.

Speed: Your current speed
Buildup Speed: The speed that is stored passively either by holding a direction key in the air or spin charge and released upon hitting the ground or letting go of spin charge.
Attacking: Ram into things. You deal more damage based on how fast you crash into them.

Currently the only boss is the Car Body. But if you're curious I've left the rest of my notes in the GDD docs link because this was also for Pirate Jam. 

Credits: Me ALL MEEEEE AHAHAHHAHAHA- *cough cough*
No sound effects unfortunately. Didn't have time.

Hints (Only read if you don't wanna figure out the things for yourself)

  • Stuck on the tutorial still? What a looser- joking I just made a really bad tutorial in a rush. For jumps you can't seem to jump over, you can spin charge, release, then immediately jump to utilize the momentum from the spin charge.
  • If you you run fast and high enough into a wall, you can bounce off another wall behind it, since you don't lose momentum when crashing into a wall.
  • Car Body spins and will pop you if you touch it where it spins. However, it's weak to hits on it's head A.K.A the whatchumacallit thingie... ah, the roof.
  • If you're going fast enough, your hitbox becomes shorter, and you're able to duck under Car Body and smack it in it's face.
  • Utilizing Buildup Speed correctly can actually give you I N F I N I T E  S P E E D, theoretically you could one shot everything if you build up speed right.

Yet another game that will make me feel worse about myself because I didn't work on it enough due to school and such and it's awful from my perfectionist standards and also I basically rushed last minute, now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go cry for a week now
...if this garners attention maybe I'll finish it though, it's actually a pretty neat concept and even I thought it was pretty satisfying and fun to play for once

Annnd now I've just found out I read the pirate software Jam end date wrong because pain, so here's my notes and poorly written GDD because might as well
This makes the SECOND time I've infuriatingly submitted something late...


Published 13 hours ago
Made withGodot
Tags2D, No AI, Singleplayer

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